Collection: pulpbrother

Born in Spain in 1961, Javier Mayoral emigrated to the United States at the age of 28, before settling in Miami in 2004, where he lives and works today.

Champion of absolute coolness, this self-taught painter will pass through different professions - private chef, advertising illustrator or even second-hand dealer in erotic photographs - before spreading his peculiar art de vivre with small acrylics on wood, inspired by the tradition of Mexican ex-voto and popular culture of the 20th century.

Between ultra-lounge evenings, surreal barbecues, torrid encounters and improbable road trips, a whole gallery of weird characters parades, most often flanked by their equally priceless pets.

Through comical situations, the average American raves about the joys of modern comfort, the desperate housewives converse with Jean-Paul Sartre and the King himself comes to bless the suburban homes.

Prolific artist, Javier Mayoral is said to have created more than ten thousand paintings since 2007 ! Made in the beginning for his own pleasure or to entertain his entourage, they first have been the subject of several exhibitions in Germany, thanks to the release of a book by Lappanart Editions back in 2013.

With the arrival two years later of Pulpbrother, the artist's alter-ego on social networks, his daily vignettes went literally viral and made his offbeat universe known throughout the world.

photo credit : pulpbrother / nouxe productions
