A cult artist on the American alternative scene, Daniel Johnston [1961-2019] lived and worked near Austin, Texas. Supported by Sonic Youth, Larry Clark, David Bowie and Matt Groening, he is considered the putative father of Anti-Folk, with his incredible melodies and his sometimes rudimentary sense of interpretation. Despite his art-school education, Daniel Johnston is often labelled a raw artist option pop-music, due to the serious psychological problems that disrupted his creative path from adolescence onwards.
A DIY enthusiast, he recorded his first songs in the early 80s on cassettes, which he then distributed on the street. The now-classics
Songs of pain and
Hi How are you? were originally released on this format. The intensive patronage of Kurt Cobain enabled Daniel Johnston to progress from the lo-fi recordings of his early days to more elaborate albums
Daniel Johnston's graphic work is particularly abundant. His drawings, compulsively executed with markers and ballpoint pens, depict hallucinatory scenes with implacable compositions. On paper, young Daniel's favorite heroes (Captain America, Hulk, Casper) return to deliver a merciless battle against the forces of Evil, assisted in this fight by his own characters.
This clearly manichean mythology, with its obsessive combination of christian, historical and pop-culture references, extends the themes intimately linked to the singer's life. It also opens up new areas, evoking the schizophrenia of an American way of life that Daniel Johnston seemed to observe as an eternal outsider.
photo credit : d.r.